RUNNING NAKED (런닝 네이키드, 2021)

RUNNING NAKED (런닝 네이키드, 2021)

2021. 3. 9. 08:45Movie영화 2020


RUNNING NAKED (Apr 6, 2021)

Director(감독)  :  Victor Buhler(빅토르 불러)


Actors(출연)  :  Matthew McNulty, Andrew Gower, Rakhee Thakrar, Tamzin Merchant, Kiran Sonia Sawar


Genres(장르)  :  Comedy, Drama


Rating(관람등급)  :  N/A


Runtime(상영시간)  :  92 min


Release Date(개봉일)  :  Apr 6, 2021 (Streaming)


Summary(개요)  Ben and Mark, cancer survivors as teenagers, search out fun and adventure, after a piece of news forces each character to change their perspective on life. Their friendship is tested as old wounds are opened and they discover their true selves. [RottenTomatoes]


Plot(줄거리)  : (Ben) 마크(Mark),   생존자(cancer survivor) 일련의 뉴스 그들의 삶에 대한 관점 바꾸도록 만든 후에 재미와 모험을 찾아 나선다. 그러나 그들의 우정 오래된 상처 개방(開放)되고, 그들이 그들의 진정한 본모습 알게 되면서 시험받는다.

개방(開放)  :  문이나 어떠한 공간 따위를 열어 자유롭게 드나들고 이용하게 함, 금하거나 경계하던 것을 풀고 자유롭게 드나들거나 교류하게 함


a piece of news     일련의 뉴스


perspective     관점(시각), 원근화법
