TOMB RAIDER (툼레이더, 2013)

TOMB RAIDER (툼레이더, 2013)

2020. 12. 30. 18:18Game B (게임 B)


TOMB RAIDER (Mar 4, 2013)

DEVELOPER(개발사)  :  Crystal Dynamics, Nixxes Software


PUBLISHER(유통사)  :  Square Enix


Platform(플랫폼)  :  PC(steam), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360


GENRE(장르)  :  Action, Adventure


Rating(등급)  :  M


Languages(언어)  :  Korean, English, German, French, Italian etc.


Controller Support(컨트롤러 지원)  :  Full Controller Support(컨트롤러 완벽 지원)


RELEASE DATE(출시일)  :  Mar 4, 2013


Summary(개요)  : An intense and gritty story of the origins of the infamous Lara Croft and her ascent from frightened young woman to hardened survivor in Tomb Raider. [Metacritic]


Synopsis(시놉시스)  :  N/A


Metacritic(메타크리틱)  :  Metascore 86, User score 8.4


June's Grade(추천 등급)  :  ☺☺☺☺☺ ☺☺ / Great!




